Information about our bonds.


You can find all facts and figures about our bonds here.


2022/2027 BOND.

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2018/2023 Bond.

The information on the following Internet pages is exclusively intended for persons who live and reside in Germany or Luxembourg. In no other country does this information constitute an offer to sell or an invitation to make a bid for the purchase or the subscription of securities. A public offering of securities outside Germany and Luxembourg is neither made nor envisaged. The public offering in Germany and Luxembourg is made exclusively on the basis of a securities prospectus which has been approved by the Luxembourg Financial Supervisory Authority (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier – “CSSF“) and been notified to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (“BaFin“) in accordance with Article 19 of the Luxembourg Act on Securities Prospectuses.

Securities of PNE AG may not be sold or offered in the United States of America („USA“) or to or for the account of or in favour of US citizens (as defined in Regulation S under the United States Securities Act of 1933 as amended from time to time (the “Securities Act”)) unless they have been registered under the regulations of the Securities Act or unless they are subject to an exemption from such registration duty. PNE AG does not intend to register the offering or part thereof in the USA or to make a public offering of securities in the USA.

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PublicationRatingAgencyRating Summary
June 17, 2022not ratedCreditreform Rating AGDownload (German)
May 25, 2021BB (stable)Creditreform Rating AGDownload 
May 25, 2020BB (positive)Creditreform Rating AGDownload 
February 11, 2020BB (positive)Creditreform Rating AGDownload 
October 16, 2019BB Watch UNWCreditreform Rating AGDownload 
May 6, 2019BB (positive)Creditreform Rating AGDownload 
March 28, 2018BB (positive)Creditreform Rating AGDownload