Our principles for good corporate governance.

Corporate Governance.

Corporate management with responsibility.

The PNE Group has been successfully designing and realising wind energy projects for around 30 years. These projects fulfil the highest standards of quality and profitability, making us a leading and important market player. Safeguarding the reputation of the PNE Group and the continued successful international growth of the PNE Group require a corporate culture characterised by integrity, ethics and personal responsibility. 

With the present code of conduct we intend to convey the vision and mission we pursue. And we would like to describe in detail the values, principles and conduct that determine the business practice of the PNE Group on the path towards achieving our vision.

The Management Board and Supervisory Board.

Per Hornung Pedersen: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Harald Wilbert: Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Roland Stanze: Executive Vice President (COO)

Marc van't Noordende: Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Christoph Oppenauer: Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Alberto Donzelli: Member of the Supervisory Board

Marcel Egger: Member of the Supervisory Board

Dr. Susanna Zapreva: Member of the Supervisory Board

Roberta Benedetti: Member of the Supervisory Board


Corporate Governance Code.

The Corporate Governance Code is a voluntary code that contains recommendations and suggestions relating to the management and control of companies listed on the stock exchange. Its goal is to strengthen the trust of investors and public in the company.

Responsible, sustainable and transparent corporate governance is an important part of the PNE Group's profile. It forms the basis of our confidential relationship with our investors and business partners and is seen as essential to the successful long-term development of the company. The Management and Supervisory Boards of the PNE Group consequently adhere to the recommendations in the current German Corporate Governance Code with the exceptions described in the Declaration of Compliance.

Declaration of compliance pursuant to § 161 of the corporation act.

The Management and Supervisory Board of PNE AG declare that the recommendations of the “Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code” in the version of April 28, 2022 published by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection in the official section of the Federal Gazette on June 27, 2022 ("2022 Code") have been complied with since the last declaration of conformity was issued on September 5, 2023 and will be complied with in future, with the following exceptions:

Pursuant to §289f and §315d HGB (German Commercial Code).

Declaration on Corporate Governance.

Good corporate governance is an expression of responsible company management. The Board of Management and the Supervisory Board have a responsibility to orient the management and control of the company in line with internationally recognised standards in order to safeguard its added value in the long term. 

According to paragraph 289f and 315d of the German Commercial Code (HGB), PNE AG is obliged to issue a "Declaration on Corporate Governance" once a year. The summarized corporate governance statement can be found under the following button:

For the Supervisory Board of PNE AG.

Rules of procedure.

In accordance with the recommendation of the German Corporate Governance Code, we publish below the current rules of procedure for the Supervisory Board of PNE AG.

Articles of association.

The German Stock Corporation Act specifies that stock corporations must have a set of Articles. These Articles contain various statutory regulations applicable to stock corporations.