Annual General Meeting approves dividend
- Supervisory Board expanded to seven members
- Roberta Benedetti, Christoph Oppenauer, Marcel Egger and Marc van't Noordende elected to the Supervisory Board
Cuxhaven, 18 May 2022 – The Annual General Meeting of the international project developer PNE AG took place on May 18, 2022 as a virtual Annual General Meeting without the physical presence of the shareholders or their proxies.
The shareholders voted with a large majority in favor of the proposal of the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board to pay a dividend in the amount of euro 0.04 as well as a special dividend of also euro 0.04 per no-par value share carrying dividend rights.
The shareholders gave their clear approval to the proposed resolution on the discharge of Executive Board members Markus Lesser (CEO) and Jörg Klowat (CFO). The shareholders also resolved by a clear majority to approve the actions of the Supervisory Board. The term of office of Supervisory Board members Christoph Oppenauer, Marcel Egger and Florian Schuhbauer ended at the close of the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting resolved to expand the Supervisory Board to seven members. Christoph Oppenauer and Marcel Egger were re-elected to the Supervisory Board. Roberta Benedetti and Marc van't Noordende were newly elected to the Supervisory Board. The expansion of the Supervisory Board and the election of Mr. van't Noordende will only become effective upon entry in the Commercial Register of the resolution to amend the Articles of Association, against which (among other agenda items) objection has been declared on the record.
Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Hamburg, was also elected as auditor of the financial statements and consolidated financial statements by a large majority.
The proposals to create new Authorized Capital, new Conditional Capital and a new authorization to issue bonds with conversion and/or option rights failed to achieve the necessary 75% majority.
Finally, the Annual General Meeting also approved the compensation report by a large majority.