General meeting of shareholders approves dividend
- Dividend and special dividend of euro 0.08 in total approved
- The general meeting was held as an event with personal attendance
Cuxhaven, May 9, 2023 – After the general meeting of shareholders of PNE AG had been held as a virtual meeting in the last three years due to the Corona pandemic, it took place again as an event with personal attendance in Cuxhaven on May 9.
The shareholders voted overwhelmingly in favour of the proposal of the Board of Management and Supervisory Board to distribute a dividend of euro 0.04 and a special dividend of also euro 0.04 per eligible share.
The shareholders clearly consented to the proposed resolution to give formal approval of the actions of the members of the Board of Management Markus Lesser (CEO) and Jörg Klowat (CFO). In addition, the shareholders decided with a clear majority to give formal approval of the actions of the Supervisory Board. There were no elections to the Supervisory Board in 2023.
The shareholders approved several amendments to the Articles of Association, including the amendment to be able to hold general meetings of shareholders as a purely virtual event in the future.
The necessary 75% majority was not reached for the proposal to create new Authorised Capital.
Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Hamburg, was elected by a large majority as the auditor of the financial statements and consolidated financial statements.
The general meeting of shareholders also approved by a large majority the remuneration report and the remuneration system.