PNE Group: Another successful sale in USA
- Wind farm “Burleigh“ sold to Burke Wind, LLC
- International business continues to grow
Chicago/Cuxhaven, April 17, 2019 – PNE USA, Inc., which is part of the international PNE Group, has sold its interest in the Burleigh Wind development project to Burke Wind, LLC.
The Burleigh project is based near Bismarck in North Dakota. The project holds 24 land leases for over 15,000 acres with private landholders in Burleigh and Emmons Counties. The Burleigh Wind Project also holds an interconnection queue position with MISO for 298MW.
PNE USA previously sold its 79.9 MW Vivaldi/Stillwater Wind Project in Montana to Pattern Development. The Vivaldi/Stillwater Wind Project achieved commercial operation in 2018 under a PPA with Northwestern Energy.
Markus Lesser, CEO of PNE AG: “I am happy about the successful sale in USA. This shows again, that the internationalization of our business works and is bearing fruit. We are well positioned for further projects in wind and solar PV in the USA.”