PNE Group: Great success in Polish wind tender with contracts for 174 MW
- PNE successful in the tender with two projects
- Start of construction for both wind farms planned in 2019
Cuxhaven, November 26, 2018 – The internationally operating PNE Group is successful in another foreign market. In the current tender for wind energy projects in Poland, the PNE Group was awarded contract for two projects developed by it. Wind power turbines with a nominal capacity of total 174 MW can be built in the wind farms “Barwice” (42 MW) and “Jasna” (132 MW). PNE is thus making a great contribution to the expansion of renewable energies in Poland as well.
Both projects are located in windy regions in northern Poland and have been developed by subsidiary WKN. Construction of the wind farms is scheduled to begin in the first half of next year. 14 wind power turbines will be erected in the “Barwice” wind farm. 39 turbines are planned for the wind farm “Jasna”. Completion and start of operation are scheduled for 2019 and 2020.
Progress in international markets
The projects had already been developed to readiness for construction before the current invitation to tender. Further wind farm projects in Poland are currently being planned by the PNE Group and prepared for future tenders. The PNE subsidiary WKN has been active in project development in Poland since 2008 by the polish-german cooperation Sevivon based in Koschalin and Gdansk.
Markus Lesser, CEO of PNE AG, is pleased about the awards in the tender of the Polish regulatory authority: “This is a great success for us. Our intensive and multi-year project development in Poland is now paying off. The internationalisation of our core business has taken another major step forward. In addition to our successful developments in France, Sweden and the USA, the market for wind energy in Poland is now also developing extremely well for us.”