PNE Group: Gross Niendorf wind farm put into operation by WKN on schedule
Cuxhaven, December 19, 2018 – At the end of 2018, the PNE Group's subsidiary WKN GmbH put the Gross Niendorf wind energy project into operation on schedule after only three months’ construction time.
The Gross Niendorf project in the district of Segeberg in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, consists of two modern wind energy systems, type GE-3.8, with 3.83 megawatts nominal power each and 110-metre hub height. The wind farm will feed in at medium-voltage level through an existing substation run by local energy provider Schleswig-Holstein Netz AG.
The wind farm, developed by WKN, will be able to supply approximately 5,700 Schleswig-Holstein households with environmentally friendly power once it has been commissioned.
“We’re thrilled that collaborating with the manufacturer GE for the first time went so smoothly. This made it possible to complete the project in so short a time,” says Gabriel Meurer, managing director of WKN GmbH.
“The completion of our Gross Niendorf wind energy project shows that despite the moratorium still in place in Schleswig-Holstein, projects can be implemented there again, and we can now begin to work on our remarkably extensive project pipeline,” says Markus Lesser, board chairman of the PNE Group, looking to the future.